Sunday, January 22, 2017

Most Popular Passwords of 2014 If yours is among change it now!

Most Popular Passwords of 2014 If yours is among change it now!

Passwords are meant to be your unique key codes to prevent unauthourised use, it should not be easy to guess. It seems people still treat the choice of password with levity. Its all good till you get hacked, just ask Sony. Here are the 25 most used passwords of 2014.

Password image

This list shows the 25 most popular passwords as released in SplashDatas annual list which compiles the thousands millions of stolen passwords made public throughout 2014. The list is assembled in order of popularity.

1. 123456 (nil)                                 14. abc123 (Down 9)

2. password (nil)                              15. 111111 (Down 8)

3. 12345 (Up 17)                              16.mustang (New)

4. 12345678 (Down 1)                     17. access (New)

5. qwerty (Down 1)                          18. shadow (nil)

6. 123456789 (nil)                            19. master (New)

7. 1234 (Up 9)                                  20. michael (New)

8. baseball (New)                              21. superman (New)

9. dragon (New)                                22. 696969 (New)

10. football (New)                             23. 123123 (Down 12)   
11. 1234567 (Down 4)                       24. batman (New)

12. monkey (Up 5)                             25. trustno1 (Down 1)

13. letmein (Up 1)

At this age and time, its quite unfortunate "123456" and "password" (Seriously??) still remains the most popular passwords. "12345" moved 17 places into third position as the third most popular password. There are 10 new entries to the list like famous superheroes "superman" (21st) and "batman" (24th).

If your password is included in the above, please change it. Dont use easy to guess words and minimize the use of the same passwords on different platforms. Remember the more important the platform the stronger your password should be. Its time to purchase more structured settlement by creating a strong password .

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