Thursday, March 16, 2017

Urban Sketchers Montreal in La Presse

Urban Sketchers Montreal in La Presse

[By Marc Taro Holmes in Montreal, CA] If you download todays issue of La Presse (Sat Nov. 12) available for free on the Apple App Store, youll find a terrific feature in the Voyage section all about Urban Sketchers Montreal!

I believe issues of the paper stay in the app for a week, so youll have to check it out soon to read the article. (French language).

The app allows for some neat interactivity, including a pop-up drawing showing before and after versions of one of my sketches and the real world - as well as a fun section on supplies, where you can click on various tools and see explanations.

The article expands on the world-wide urban sketching phenomena, featuring a gallery of some of the top sketching cities in the world. (Seattle, Singapore, New York, Berlin, Hong Kong and Paris). Have a look if you know anyone in those towns - they might have a sketch in our paper!


Available link for download

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