Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Tutorial Membuat Smudge dengan Picsay dan Skecthbook

Tutorial Membuat Smudge dengan Picsay dan Skecthbook

hai guys, kali ini saya akan share tutorial membuat smudge menggunakan Picsay dan Skecthbook

Kali ini kita menggunakan 2 aplikasi yang saling bekerja sama
Kunci dalam pembuatannya ialah tingkat ketelatenan kita pada saat mengusap

Pertama siapkan bahan

  • Picsay Pro Download => Disini
  • AutoDesk SkecthBook Pro Download => Disini 
Setelah bahan siap kita buka aplikasi Picsay Pro dan masukan foto yang ingin kita edit

Klik tab adjust kemudian pilih Sharpen
Atur sedemikian rupa

Klik ok kemudian klik tab effect dan pilih posterize atur seperti ini

Jika sudah save gambar tersebut
Dan kita beralih ke aplikasi Skecthbook
Dan import gambar yang kita edit menggunakan Picsay Pro

Lalu klik icon kuas dan pilih brush snudge dan setting seperti di gambar

Dan kita mulai usapkan pada gambar, Ingat ketelatenan sangat diperlukan disini...
Hingga kurang lebih seperti ini

Setelah bagian wajah dan tubuh sudah kita smudge sekarang saatnya bagian rambut kita menggunakan kuas yang berbeda lihat pada gambar

Hingga hasilnya seperti ini

Sekarang kita hanya tinggal mengsave nya dan mengcrop menggunakan Picsay atau tool bawaan HH sobat semua

#semoga_bermanfaat :)

Available link for download

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How To Unsubscribe From Annoying Messages from MTN Etisalat Airtel and GLO

How To Unsubscribe From Annoying Messages from MTN Etisalat Airtel and GLO

Finally, our prayers have been answered. You can now unsubscribe from those annoying messages from these network providers. No more Isaiah bible passages, no more text Yes to 55 to win 10 million or Umar the Hausa man that disturbs we GLO users or Airtel annoying messages which sometimes comes in hundreds into your inbox in a day.
Since the NCC have started to perform their duties, one can notice the changes in the way these network providers run their services.

Let me cut the long story short, to unsubscribe from all the annoying messages, you have to follow these simple steps:

For Airtel and MTN Users:
Send HELP to 2442

For GLO and Etisalat Users:
Send STOP to 2442

Woman yelling at phone
What are you waiting for? Send the shortcodes and save your phone battery and phone from unwanted harassment ;-). Have a Lovely Weekend guys!

You can get all the latest deals and money saving discounts from Jumia, Konga etc all on one page? Click here to find out how!

Available link for download

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Camtasia Studio 9 0 1 Build 1422 Full Version

Camtasia Studio 9 0 1 Build 1422 Full Version

Camtasia Studio 9.0.1 Build 1422 Full Version
Camtasia Studio 9.0.1 Build 1422 Full Version
Camtasia Studio is an application for review recording All activities Happens in Computer Screen laptop Andari hearts Video High Definition (HD). In addition to activities can be recorded on the screen, the software can be singer Also Simultaneously edit video recordings are the findings of a later review Andari Andari publish on the internet OR To upload Youtube. the findings of the output video software bermancam Also From singer-wide, so Andari can be choose the output format for the video review The Andari create Earlier accordance WITH Needs Andari.

Now you do not need to wonder anymore to make a presentation or tutorial on how to use a computer program, because by using Camtasia Studio Full is you can record all the techniques and how to use a program to serve as a video tutorial, so it will be easier to understand.

Camtasia Studio latest version of this app has a feature that is more complete than the previous version. One of the newest features in the 2016 version of Camtasia Studio is a feature "Remove Color" which allows you to throw the background color on your video and you replace it with another, more interactive background. This software is really software All In One very remarkable. If you really want to explore the use of these applications, many extraordinary things you can do to produce a video tutorial impressive.


  • The record
  • The smallest recording and motion picture screen monitor.
  • High quality webcam video recording on the Internet.
  • Audio recording good quality with minimal noise.
  • Record all elements of a project, including the timing of PowerPoint slides, animations and sounds to the inner slides.
  • The ability to record all mouse clicks and keyboard keys.
  • Save images as individual frames to build slides AVI.
  • Codec TechSmith use the company utilizes the latest technology for video compression.
  • Add any effects, text and sound during filming of the system.
  • Ability to design and add a multiple-choice test to the project.
  • Zoom functionality anywhere, and utilizes special effects to emphasize the key points!
  • Editing and video editing recorded images
  • Ability to paste, cut and mix and add items to support the range of video formats and audio clips.
  • The ability to add beautiful effects and numerous pre-designed software to video images.
  • More than 18 Transition and unique new software for the new version.
  • Full audio editing film with the ability to delete, move and add the audio to the desired section supports most popular audio formats.
  • Add emphasis to the creation of diverse flashing point in the video editing.
  • Ability to create clickable areas that can tell with a simple click on it to frame the failure to review or update your URL.
  • Edit text, size, appearance, color and so on.
  • Part of the project was created
  • The ability of the project to the format of Macromedia Flash, AVI, Microsoft Windows Media, RealNetworks RealMedia, QuickTime, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word and web pages.
  • Ability to publish the project as an EXE executable file without requiring software only runs on any system components.
  • Ability to create autorun CD training, along with stylish and elegant menu with more than 350 background images and effects required by the application of good autorun, but much easier.

System Requirements For Camtasia Studio

  • Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
  • Microsoft DirectX 9 or later version
  • Microsoft .NET 4.0 (included)
  • Dual-Core Processor minimum, Quad-Core Processor or better recommended
  • 2GB RAM minimum, 4GB RAM or more recommended
  • 2GB of hard-disk space for program installation
  • Display dimensions of 1024×768 or greater
  • Dedicated Windows-compatible sound card, microphone and speakers (recommended)
  • Camtasia Studio Add-in for PowerPoint requires PowerPoint 2007 (32-bit) or 2010 or 2013 (32-bit or 64-bit)
  • Import of .mov and production to .mov and .m4v requires Apple QuickTime 7.2 or later
  • Playback using the Smart Player is supported on Internet Explorer 8+, CHrome, Firefox, Safari 5.1+, iOS 5+, Android 4+ (Chrome for Andriod Recommended)
  • Camera video recording requires a USB Web camera. Recording live from a DV camera is not supported
  • Integration with Camtasia Relay requires Camtasia Relay Client Recorder
  • GPU acceleration requires DirectX 9 compatible video adapter with 128 MB of video memory or greater and Pixel Shader 2.0 or later

How to Install Camtasia Studio Full Version

  • Download and extract the file "Camtasia Studio 9.0.1 Build 1422 Full Activation" is.
  • Extract also activation file inside the folder.
  • Login to Run and typing paper like this "notepad c: windows system32 drivers etc hosts" Then Click Ok.
  • Later you will be taken to a notepad file. At the end of the notepad, you add the following entry:        www.techsmith.com        activation.cloud.techsmith.com        oscount.techsmith.com        updater.techsmith.com        camtasiatudi.techsmith.com        tsccloud.cloudapp.net        assets.cloud.techsmith.com

  • Then click Save to save it. and out of the notepad.
  • Install the program as usual.
  • Once your installation is complete do not go first into the application.
  • Open the folder activation >> reg.
  • Copy and paste the files in it to "C: ProgramData TechSmith Camtasia Studio 9".
  • Open the folder >> keygen activation /
  • Run keygen by right click Run as administrator >> Fill in the name and freely according to your tastes.
  • Then click keygen.
  • Enter a Name and Serial contained in keygen to perform activation in Camtasia Studio 8 are yours.
  • done
Download Link
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GNL Google Now Launcher Old New Version apk File Free Download

You are in a right place to download latest and full version free apk for your android OS version. The old version and the new cracked latest version of google now launcher apk is easily avail from apkroot. To download latest version google now apk just follow the link location which is placed at the bottom of this post. The new version of above mentioned mobile device apk is now easily available and it is verified that the link provided given below is safe and easily accessible for all android operating system devices. 
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Follow the link to start your google now launcher automatically. Please feel free to comment on the box provided at the end. Give feed backs about the above article. OR having trouble while downloading Google now launcher which is the most recommended app for android users. This version is totally life time version.
Download Apk google now.

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Hindi Protect Your Eyes From Blue Light From Phone Display at Night

Hindi Protect Your Eyes From Blue Light From Phone Display at Night

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Weird Technology Futuristic Party Coolers

Weird Technology Futuristic Party Coolers

Coolers are traditionally used to keep drinks cool while being outdoors. Today, with all these technology advancements, your cooler may just be doing more than that. What else can a cooler do? Be a bluetooth speaker with an embedded blender and act as a power bank. Mind blowing right? lets take a look at one of such modern party coolers.

On August 30, 2014, "Coolest" cooler was succesfully funded on kickstarter by more than $13million. The cooler named "Coolest" was tagged to be "A 21st century cooler thats actually cooler", but what makes this cooler so unique that it attracted such huge donations?

The Coolest cooler comes with the following features:

The cooler is an all in one party box for any outdoor event. The blender gives you the ability to make mixes on the go, the usb charger serves as a power bank so you dont run low on battery power while you are blasting music from the removable waterproof bluetooth speaker. This cooler has got it all.
Having a picnic may never be the same again.

The cooler has also been upgraded so two Coolest coolers can now sync via bluetooth so you can double the sound. The rechargeable battery in the cooler is also removable, so you can swap batteries without the need for electricity supply.

The price of the cooler is around $325 (N49,000 - N58,000)You can read more about the Coolest cooler on their Kickstarter page here.

Another of such weird party coolers was unveiled yesterday at the CES 2015 going on in Vegas. The cooler named Kube boasts a larger capacity (it can store up to two cases of beer or six bottles of champagne) and a more powerful bluetooth range of up to 50 feet along with a beautiful innovatie design. This new cooler costs an astonishing $1,099 which makes it a luxury cooler.

The Kube boasts of powerful hidded room-shaking speakers with a beautiful design but the price may put people off. The device is expected to start shipping around April. 

What do you think of these weird devices? Drop your opinions in the comment box.

Dont forget to share this post with your friends!!!


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MTN Give Away Data Plan of 7GB For Just N2000

MTN Give Away Data Plan of 7GB For Just N2000

Good news guys, MTN is here again with the incredible offer, with just N2,000 you can now get a huge 7GB of data! This new plan was unveiled in TechPlus2016 event.

We all know that the MTN normal 3.5GB cost N2,000, but this new offer double the data and gives you 7GB data for that same N2,000. It is a very nice offer for those who think they value the use of huge data and this plan works for all devices ranging from Android, BB10, iPhone/iPad, Laptops, Blackberry, Windows phone, Symbian/Java phones; you just name it.

To benefit from MTN TechPlus2016 100% deal zone offer of 7GB for N2000;
» Simply load N2000 on your MTN line» Text 2016 to 131 and youll receive a message that you have been credited with 7GB on Tech+ 100% Dealzone.» Text 2 to 131 to check your data balance anytime. We are now in the weekend, no dulling guys, note that you can even get 9GB with your N2,000. Presently, MTN is on weekend promo tagged "WowWeekend". This gives you an opportunity to get 100MB when you recharged your MTN sim with N200 and you will get 1GB when you recharged with N500 and above. Load your MTN sim with the airtime of N2,000 and you will be given free 2GB usable only from Friday to Sunday. You can later use your N2,000 to get 7GB of data, making it the total of 9GB.

Competition always brought out the best, this should be a challenge for other networks, otherwise, they might start losing their gold customers. Im still waiting for the time that we will be able to buy 1terabytes for N100.
http://www.shelaf.com/2016/07/mtn-give-away-data-plan-of-7gb-for-just.htmlposted by ConnectMe

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RoboCop v3 0 3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold

RoboCop v3 0 3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold

RoboCop v3.0.3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold
RoboCop v3.0.3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold

RoboCop v3.0.3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold

? Do more damage with the new Rocket Launchers!
? Battle in Tehran, a new location!
? Try new suits like the Navy Urban Camo! Additional suit and weapons will be unlocked for the next event.
Welcome to the official game of RoboCop the movie.
In 2028 Detroit, when Alex Murphy, a loving husband, father and good cop is critically injured in the line of duty, the multinational conglomerate OmniCorp sees their chance for a part-man, part-robot police officer.
Join the OmniCorp program to become RoboCop, the ultimate law enforcement officer! Battle human crooks, robot enemies and learn how to defend the citizens from the corrupt streets of Detroit.
Start your training now!
Shoot your way through console-quality training simulations
Use drone strikes to take out large groups of enemies
Save human hostages and capture informants
Battle aggressive robot enemies from the film, like the EM-208 and the ED-209
Upgrade your weapons and robotic suit to the latest technology that OmniCorp has to offer
Scan your targets with body heat vision to find their location and weak points
ROBOCOP (2014) © 2013 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc. & Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. ROBOCOP is a trademark of Orion Pictures Corporation. © 2013 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved
RoboCop is free to play, but you can choose to pay real money for some extra items.

Use of this application is governed by Glu Mobile’s Terms of Use. Collection and use of personal data are subject to Glu Mobile’s Privacy Policy. Both policies are available at www.glu.com. Additional terms may also apply.
(Unlimited Money/Glu Gold) 3.0.3

RoboCop v3.0.3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold

RoboCop v3.0.3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold

RoboCop v3.0.3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold

RoboCop v3.0.3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold

How to download: RoboCop v3.0.3 Unlimited MoneyGlu Gold


Available link for download

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Download Gratis Stormblades Apk Data Terbaru 2016

Download Gratis Stormblades Apk Data Terbaru 2016

Download Gratis Stormblades Apk + Data Terbaru 2016
Download Gratis StromBlades Mod Apk
Download Gratis Stormblades Apk + Data Terbaru 2016 : Selamat sore sobat MalingFile semua bagaimana nih kabar kalian semua di sore hari ini.semoga kalian semua selalu sehat dan semangat dalam menjalani segala aktivitas kalian semua di hari ini. Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan share sebuah Game Mod Apk terbaru Desember 2016 yang sudah banyak dimainkan oleh kalangan remaja dan kalangan gamer semua game yang memberikan sajian yang berbeda dengan game yang lainnya game Stormblades Mod Apk terbaru ini akan menghibur kalian semua di dalam game dan membawa kalian kedalam dunia game yang satu ini.

Download Juga
: Download Gratis League of Angels - Fire Raiders APK Terbaru 2016

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Download Juga
: Download Gratis Unipad, Android Launchpad Apk Terbaru 2016

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Part 1 | Part 2 | Data

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Galaxsim Unlock APK Download

Galaxsim Unlock APK Download

Galaxy_s unlock apk latest version 2.8.4 is the most powerful sim unlocker app for Android mobile phones and tablets. This is the free to unlock any network sim within your device. This is going to be easy nowadays for various smartphones in galaxy family. his family circle includes samsung models such as S, S2, S3, S4 and some tabs like Tab2, and note series as well.
Galaxsim apk
This is the only app that will instant grant you to the access to unlock any network operator with new or old galaxies. The major functions of this can unlock sim of your phone in app payment option.
Get complete backup or restore any EFS data. You can keep your gmail and google driver with in safe mode.

Key feature for galaxsim APP:

  • Unbrand or unlock the phone.
  • Supported on all rooted devices.
  • Working on different international brands.
  • Supported for galaxy and their all variant devices.
  • Flash your smart phone.
  • Root and unroot.
  • Reset and wipe it smoothly.
  • It is notify you all of concern detail about the lock.
  • It may be completely locked or half locked on the go.
  • Automatically detect errors like EIMI and auto fix them quickly.
  • Generate serial number even at lost due to installation third party applications.
  • The coming version will support for new arrival devices soon in action.
  • You can also get the latest version from APKfile.org after its release. This tool is very easy to download from here. The installation is now easier and easy to use because of its simple user friendly interface.


Be Aware that your mobile is rooted with its ROM. You can unroot it once the cell phone is unlocked. Just click on the big unlock button at from the main screen and restart or reboot the galaxy and its done!!!
Get galaxsim unlock APK

Available link for download

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Monday, January 30, 2017

Card Wars Kingdom v1 0 7 Apk Data Mod Money

Card Wars Kingdom v1 0 7 Apk Data Mod Money



Light War Letters to another level in War of Cards: The Kingdom!

– Assemble a team of creatures angry and fight for the glory of War Cards!
– Unleash the power of spells, scenarios, and spins!
– With a new combat system of letters, to strike your enemies has never been so fun.

– Compete with friends in battles of player versus player!
– Share your creatures to win rewards well-deserved.
– Ask helpers lent to its allies.


 Guerra de Cartas: O Reino: captura de tela

 Guerra de Cartas: O Reino: captura de tela

 Guerra de Cartas: O Reino: captura de tela

Requires Android 4.0.3 or higher.



Data in Android/Obb

Link Playstore


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PES 2017 Android APK DATA PC Screenshots and Download Links

PES 2017 Android APK DATA PC Screenshots and Download Links

PES 2017 (Available on Android, PC etc) is undoubtedly the best version of Pro Evolution Soccer Series since the early years of Winning Eleven. The game packs fantastic visuals alongside some very interesting gameplay. The Goalkeepers are much more improved and the game feels so realistic. New teams have also been licensed and for the first time the game seems like a worthy competitor for FIFA 17.

Unfortunately, Konami continued their rubbish trend by releasing a PS3 port with poor graphics for the PC version again. To make it more annoying, the PC version always requires internet access to verify installation before playing the game. This is because the game now uses Denuvo protection to prevent cracking of the game. This means that for PC users who cant afford the game and rely on cracks, getting a crack will be extremely hard this time around may be almost impossible.


PES 2017 Logo

As usual, Konami didnt make an official mobile version for the game. Luckily, some guys have come up with a port for the game for Android users. This Android version packs awesome graphics, genuine match action and includes various real life players and teams. I have played the Android version and I really enjoyed it, the only problem I had is that it always requires internet connection. See the screenshots below:
Pes 2017 Android Screenshot
PES 2017 Android Screenshot
PES 2017 Android Menu


ANDROID (APK + DATA) - Download APK ~||~ Download Data
{To install just copy data to Android >> OBB}

PC DEMO - Download
PC Full Version - Download Full Unlocked Version (No Crack Yet) 4.86GB
PC Crack - Download 1MB
XBOX and Playstation - Get PES 2017 Here
PES 2017 English Language Pack & Commentary - Download 450MB
Note: The game language changes to Chinese when you install crack. So you have to download English Language Pack. Download link is above.

Available link for download

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Drawing Attention November 2016

Drawing Attention November 2016

USk Medellin, Colombia

Bring a Workshop to your Chapter


In 2016 Urban Sketchers organized 16 workshops around the world in collaboration with USk chapters from Malaga to Orlando to Galway. These workshops were taught by our top instructors: great teachers such as Lynne Chapman, ? ?? Chng Kiah Kiean, Don Low and more! If you would like to bring an official USk workshop to your chapter, email our Education Director, Mario Linhares at education@urbansketchers.org.



USk Leadership

by Mark Leibowitz


You might be thinking about starting an Urban Sketching chapter. You might be thinking about taking a more active role in your existing chapter. You might already be a leader of your chapter. What does it take to be a good leader of an Urban Sketchers Regional Chapter?

Our reason for existence is to encourage people to enjoy capturing the world we live in through sketching. The chapter leader is the critical person who sets a welcoming, supportive tone. A good leaders enthusiasm for urban sketching is contagious. As the group’s leader, you are creating a community.

Being consistent and reliable is fundamental. To do that a good leader has to be organized. Being fair is another fundamental. The group leader should never be critical and should encourage others to be supportive. We all start with different skills. Everyone has a gift to be shared. A good leader creates an atmosphere that encourages everyone to share their gifts. There can be no favoritism. Leaders need to bring their higher selves to the task and practice the “Golden Rule”, that is, treat others the way you would like to be treated.

Each chapter has three leaders, it’s a requirement. The work should be shared. Each group finds better solutions when their leaders respect each other and multiply their creativity. Leaders need to understand social media, so they can help members to post their work and so they can spread the word about their group’s activities. A good leader stays informed about Urban Sketchers, reaches out to other groups and is the conduit for information about USk world-wide activities.

Good leadership is the source of our success and our growth. It’s a hard but rewarding job.


Manchester Symposium Video

Wynter Productions @ Easter Jones
By Wynter Productions @ Easter Jones

Videographer Hilary Easter Jones captures all the excitement of the Manchester Symposium with this exciting video.


Symposium Lectures

Richard Briggs
Some of the videos of presenter lectures from the 2016 Symposium are now available on our website. Click here to view lectures by Richard Briggs, Ed Harker, Alvin Wong and more.


Jane Blundell’s Watercolour Mixing Workshop

by Ann Schwartzwald

“Many people find colour mixing difficult because they havent analysed which pigments are necessary to create the colours they see, or want to create” Jane Blundell, from Sydney, Australia explains. Jane is a colour expert and recently taught a workshop called “Watercolor Your World One Mix at a Time” at the Manchester Urban Sketchers Symposium.

“Some [people] just use whatever is in the set they have bought. Some use whatever someone else uses. I have analysed the colours required to be able to mix pretty much any colour you wish, with just two pigments. That makes adding accurate colour to sketches much simpler.”

Jane Blundell
Jane has travelled and sketched all over the world, including visits with USk chapters in Hong Kong, Singapore, San Francisco, Paris, Seattle, New York, Manchester and Montreal.

In the workshop Jane taught the fundamentals of what an urban sketcher needs to enliven and refine their effective use of color and still be able to carry their gear.

“My workshop covered how to choose a set of watercolours for sketching; how to work with limited palettes to create harmony in sketches and how to mix a massive range of colours with relatively few. It also included tips for choosing the right pigment characteristics for sketching and special effects, and which pigments to use for creating building materials whether marble, stone, brick or whatever.”

Jane’s passion for creative expression in watercolor has led her to delve deeply into the medium.

“Watercolor is the most pure form of painting there is. Unlike other mediums where the pigment characteristics are hidden in the oil or acrylic binder, with watercolour the full beauty of the pigment is visible. Consequently one can play with the granulation or staining or opacity of the pigments rather than just the hue and that is exciting”.

Click HERE to read the notes from Jane’s Watercolour Mixing Workshop.


What Makes a Great Workshop Proposal?

by Lauren Peterson

Ever wonder what makes a great workshop proposal? Gail Wong is a member of the Education Committee that reviews proposals for the symposium. Last year they reviewed 72 proposals and the Symposium Team accepted 26 for workshops. Some of the proposals that were not accepted as workshops became activities or demonstrations.

Gail Wong
A lot of work goes into preparing a great line up of workshops. But Gail says she enjoys getting to know instructors from around the world while helping them navigate the process giving them the best chance to get approved as a USk workshop.

“Being part of the Education Committee has been wonderful,” Gail said. “It has been great working with the other educators on the committee and getting to know them.”

The Education Committee reviews the contents of the workshop proposals, then provides comments and makes recommendations. The proposals then go on to the Symposium Team which makes the final selections on which workshops will run.

To help instructors increase their chances of having their proposal accepted Gail presented a lecture called How to Prepare a Successful Workshop Proposal at the Manchester Symposium.The lecture covered the selection process highlighting both the common weaknesses as well as the strengths of workshop proposals. This is the same information that should be included in any USk workshop proposal, whether it is for the symposium or for one of our global workshops held throughout the year. For more information about how to prepare a successful workshop proposal click HERE.

Welcome to New USk Chapters

The following 15 new USk chapters have been approved by the Board. Welcome new chapters!
Urban Sketchers Karlsruhe, Germany 
Urban Sketchers Norrköping, Sweden
Bermuda Hamilton Urban Sketchers
Urban Sketchers Saint Petersburg, Russia 
Edinburgh, Urban Sketchers 
Urban Sketchers Alberobello (Italy)
Urban Sketchers Middletown, CT
Urban Sketchers Liguria (Italy)
Urban Sketchers Dallas/Fort Worth
Urban Sketchers Launceston (Australia)
Urban Sketchers San Miguel de Allende (Mexico)
Urban Sketchers Curitiba (Brazil)
Urban Sketchers Moscow (Russia)
Urban Sketchers Lawrence, Kansas
Urban Sketchers Las Vegas, Nevada

USk Waterloo Region Celebrates Oktoberfest

Urban Sketchers of Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada
by Jane Wingfield

Urban Sketchers of Waterloo Region, Ontario, Canada, kicked off the city’s Oktoberfest with the opening of an exhibition in the prestigious Berlin Tower ARTSPACE inside Kitchener City Hall. The opening night reception had a great turnout with friends, family and festival attendees.

The Waterloo Region sketchers submitted their exhibition proposal to the City a year in advance and were thrilled when it was accepted. This was their second exhibition in that space.

USk Waterloo Region put out a call for submissions to their members and the first 15 works were accepted. The sketches had to be completed in the City of Kitchener with the group or on their own. Each piece was done on 11”x14” watercolor paper and framed and matted similarly. The works are on sale for $150 each or as determined by the artist and the buyer.

The show will hang throughout the month of October. Congratulations sketchers!


 Upcoming USk Workshop

USk is pleased to announce a new upcoming workshop called From Simplicity to Complexity to be held December 23-24 in Dubai. The workshop will be taught by instructor Behzad Bagheri. For more information click HERE.


Luís Simões Living the Sketcher’s Dream

by Lauren McVittie

Traveling the world and capturing it through sketching seems like a daydream, but for Luís Simões, it’s a dream come true. Simões has been traveling the world since March 2012 and has no plans of ending his travels any time soon.

Simões (37) is from Lisbon, Portugal and worked as a 3D motion designer. After ten years, he decided he needed a change. During a trip to Croatia in 2011, he realized he wanted to improve his drawing skills and got the idea for his World Sketching Tour.

Simões sold his apartment and his belongings, and finances his travels with his savings and through freelancing and workshops.

Luís Simões
Simões has travelled to over 30 countries in his four years of sketching and is currently in Bali. He has sketched Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, but can’t pick a favourite place. He is particularly looking forward to sketching the colours and stories of South America and Africa in the coming years.

“Traveling pushes me to discover more about the world and myself,” Simões said.

Simões joined Urban Sketchers in 2007 while living in Portugal and has sketched with various chapters around the world as he travels. For Simões, sketching is about having fun while telling a story and about capturing a moment in his trip. He says he’s always happy to see the reaction of people receiving a sketch.

“Once I was waiting for my flight and killing time by sketching some people. When I got on the plane, I saw that they were going on the same flight. In that moment, I decided to give them the sketch. It was fun to hear them talking about it and see their happy faces,” he said.

The World Sketching Tour has been a life changing experience, and has particularly changed how Simões views obstacles. “The biggest obstacle we have in life is our mind,” Simões said, “other than that, everything is possible.”

You can follow Simões’ sketching journey on his newly designed website, or on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Flickr.


Exhibition Marks First Anniversary of USk Pune (India)

By Joann Sondy

Memories were made as fifty urban sketchers showcased more than 150 amazing sketches for the art lovers of Pune. A grand success, the exhibition marked the first anniversary of the USk chapter.

Sketch by Deepa Sarawate

The individual sketching styles and a broad range of subject matter were highlights of the exhibition of the USk Pune diverse membership. Urban sketchers that include architects, doctors, IT professionals, engineers, students, and homemakers participated; each depicting the historically and culturally-rich city of Pune.

Sketch by Lakshman M
The architecture of Pune’s grand buildings is something that the urban sketchers could not resist capturing in their sketchbooks. The array of architecture included traditional Hindu temples and grand buildings constructed during British rule.

Partnering with a local art gallery, it was an extremely motivating effort by the Urban Sketchers Pune group with grand results. The community of Pune enjoyed the glimpses of the old city through the sketches of iconic buildings and old traditional residences called wadas.

The USk Pune exhibition was a great success, an inspiration for many sketching enthusiasts to join in the urban sketching movement.


 Introducing USk Medellin, Colombia


Lo que hace que Medellin un attractive unico / a dibujantes urbanos?
Lo que hace a Medellín única/atractiva para los "urban sketchers" es que es una ciudad con amplia diversidad en su arquitectura y sus espacios. El estar en medio de un valle, donde se extiende además sobre las montañas, hace que sus construcciones sean muy variadas entre sí, según el sitio en el que se encuentran; del mismo modo las dinámicas sociales y sus actores. La ciudad conserva construcciones que por su importancia arquitectónica e histórica resaltan en la ciudad y que se han convertido en referentes locales, las cuales además causan atractivo por el contraste que se crea con las construcciones contemporáneas que están ubicadas a su alrededor, como ejemplo los edificios Vásquez y Carré, y enfrente de la Plaza de las Luces y la Biblioteca EPM.

¿Como su grupo de empezar?
En octubre de 2013 motivados por la visita a Medellín del ilustrador Catalán y urban sketcher Lluïsot (
http://lluisot-viajes.blogspot.com.es), dimos inicio a los primeros encuentros y salidas a dibujar la ciudad, pero aún éramos muy tímidos en el asunto. Solo hasta Septiembre de 2015 retomamos las actividades con más frecuencia gracias al impulso y la experiencia de un ilustrador de Medellín, llamado Nel Correa quien compartió durante dos años con las comunidades de Urban Sketchers de Barcelona y París.

¿Cuánto tiempo ha habido reunión?
Hace tres años surgió la idea de formar el grupo “Urban Sketchers Medellín” pero sólo llegó a consolidarse desde hace un año. Desde entonces hemos venido reuniéndonos cada sábado, cada encuentro con 35 dibujantes y buenos amigos.

¿Cuándo se convierte en un capítulo oficial USK?
El 28 de junio de 2016.

¿Cuántos miembros presentan a los rastreos de dibujo?
Depende de cada encuentro. Para algunas ocasiones los encuentros han sido bastante concurridos, hasta 40 dibujantes. También han habido ocasiones en que la asistencia ha sido menor, llegando a ser tan pocos como 15 personas.

¿Cómo se describiría el espíritu de su grupo?
Desde hace un tiempo para acá el grupo se ha convertido en algo más que un encuentro para dibujar, en cada sesión compartimos con los otros nuestras experiencias y aprendemos de las historias del otro, muchas veces contadas en un dibujo. Más que un grupo de dibujo, somos un grupo de amigos con la misma pasión en común, dibujar.

¿Dónde te gusta dibujar? (ubicaciones favoritas)
Es muy variado. A veces dibujamos iglesias, edificios gubernamentales, universidades, edificios patrimoniales, e incluso cabe decir que, al estar en el lugar, las personas no sólo dibujan la arquitectura, también se enfocan en las personas, en la vegetación, en los animales. Situados en el centro de la ciudad, en suburbios, la periferia, los corregimientos… dibujamos en cuanto lugar pueda haber para dibujar.

¿Cuál es la mayor dificultad o hacen difícil compaginar el grupo juntos?
El horario. Es a veces muy complicado reunir a las personas porque son muy distintas entre sí: unos son abogados, otros ingenieros, otros diseñadores; unos estudian, otros trabajan, otros son amos y amas de casa… y por ello, cada persona tiene horarios que no siempre concuerdan con el horario que se establece para los encuentros oficiales.

¿Hay algo más que le gustaría compartir acerca de su grupo?
Aunque nuestros encuentros no son clases (courses) siempre aprendemos en cada una de ellas, y nos hemos convertido, más que un

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