Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Archeology in Mazarron Prehistorians Phoenicians and Romans

Archeology in Mazarron Prehistorians Phoenicians and Romans

[by Javier de Blas in Puerto de Mazarron, Spain] Punta de Gabilanes, this small coastal promontory between two beaches where I have been swimming since I was a child, has remains of 4000 years ago, as a support for coastal sailing. It was also used by the Phoenicians as a commercial point and by the Romans as a factory to obtain silver, from ore mined in Mazarron.
Its a shame I can not draw these ruins directly. They have been buried for their protection. At least Im happy to draw the photo of the exhibition panel and then climb a rock in front of the site to imagine what the panorama would be like in those days.

Desde la Bañera/Punta de Gabilanes

Available link for download

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