Tuesday, February 28, 2017

नोटबंदी ठें पेटीएठवॉलेट को ऐसे करें यूज How to Send Pay Money From Pa

नोटबंदी ठें पेटीएठवॉलेट को ऐसे करें यूज How to Send Pay Money From Pa

Available link for download

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How to Put Image In Text In Photoshop Text Effect Tutorial 2016

How to Put Image In Text In Photoshop Text Effect Tutorial 2016

Available link for download

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Jumia Black Friday Finale Up to 80 Off Dont Miss Out on the Best Deals

Jumia Black Friday Finale Up to 80 Off Dont Miss Out on the Best Deals

The Jumia 2016 Black Friday Sales has started since 14th of December. Today 25th of December is the final day for you to get all things you need on Jumia, Konga, Slot, Yudala and other online stores at discounted price.

Below are the Upcoming Flash Sales From Jumia
 Check Jumia Black Friday Flash Sale Deals Here

Flash Sales is win-win Jumia promo. The first flash sale will display in the next 15 minutes (9AM). Guys are you ready? Are you on the track? You can just take the advantage of Flash Sales promo to buy some products at a very discounted rate. Make use of today to get all your items at the cheaper rate even if they are not 100% cheap.

Note that products can not be as cheap as today. Black Friday happens once in a year, after this, it is clearance sales that will follow.
For More deals and Discounts on Jumia Black Friday Finale, simply Click Here

Konga Yakata Black Friday Finale Deals
Check out all the deals here

Happy Black Friday!
http://www.shelaf.com/2016/11/jumia-black-friday-finale-up-to-80-off.htmlposted by ConnectMe

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Tecno now Official partners with Manchester City Football Club

Tecno now Official partners with Manchester City Football Club

Popular Nigerian smartphone makers, Tecno, have signed a deal with Manchester City football club, England to become the official Tablet and Handset partner of the club. Tecno has grown in leaps and bounds since they ventured into Android phone production in late 2011.

According to statistics, Tecno is Africas leading mobile phone brand with presence in over 40 emerging markets. Manchester Citys fan base is increasing and the club hopes this deal will see the two companies combine on marketing and advertising campaigns around the world.
Tecno and Manchester City
We are delighted to welcome TECNO Mobile to Manchester City’s growing repertoire of global partners. Its global focus coupled with a commitment to each of its local markets reflects our ethos and we look forward to working with them to connect with Manchester City’s global fan base.- Manchester City Football Group’s Chief Commercial Officer, Tom Glick.
Manchester city stars like Vincent Kompany, Kevin De Bruyne, Fabian Delph, and Raheem Sterling were featured in a video welcoming Tecno as an official partner with Man. City. you can check out the video below.

The year 2016 has been the greatest year for Tecno and it only promises to get better. Tecnos current flagship device  Phantom 6 and Phantom 6 plus are still earning top notch reviews across the "techmosphere". Witth the new partnership with one of footballs emerging giants, Manchester City, the future looks very bright for Tecno Mobile.

Read the full gist on Manchester City Website.

Available link for download

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Need for Speed™ Most Wanted APK Data v1 3 71 High compressed 2016

Need for Speed™ Most Wanted APK Data v1 3 71 High compressed 2016

Halo para sobat gamers, jumpa lagi dengan saya kali ini game Need for Speed™ Most Wanted yang merupakan game racing dengan grafis HD dan sudah mencapai versi terbaru v1.3.71 sudah bisa sobat unduh disini.

Jika sobat pecinta game racing pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan Game Need for Speed™ Most Wanted yang hadir di beberapa konsol game seperti PS, PC dan yang terbaru adalah hadir untuk pengguna android. Game yang telah dikembangkan oleh developer terkenal EA dan Game Need for Speed™ Most Wanted ini sudah di unduh lebih dari 40 rb gamers, untuk ukuran game premium game ini sangat laris sekali.

Ada banyak fitur canggih yang di tawakan pada game Need for Speed™ Most Wanted untuk android seperti dari segi Grafis game ini sangat luar biasa memukai dengan grafis HD yang halus ditambah dengan efek audio yang real membuat game ini sangat seru dimainkan. Nah yang menarik dari game ini ada banyak misi yang harus sobat selesaikan seperti Most Wanted di pc. selain itu tersedia juga pilihan control yang bisa sobat pilih, jadi akan menambah kenyamanan sobat dalam mengendalikan mobil.

Tersedia juga banyak jenis mobil yang bisa sobat pilih dari mobil terkenal seperti lamborghini, ferrari dan masih banyak lagi. Nah agar permainan semakin seru kita sudah sediakan versi modifikasi dan versi original. Untuk versi modifikasi semua mobil sudah terbuka, semua even terbuka, semua Map terbuka dan masih banyak lagi fitur mod yang bisa sobat coba.

Pada Game Need for Speed™ Most Wanted versi terbaru 1.3.71 tidak mengalami banyak pembaruan, cuma pada versi terbaru game ini akan berjalan lebih Smoot. Oh ya ukuran asli game ini sangat besar yaitu 1.9 GB, tapi tenang sobat tidak perlu mendownload sebesar itu karena sudah dikompres menjadi 500Mban. ya lumayan lah bisa menghemat kuota. Oke bagi sobat yang sudah penasaran langsung saja Download Game Need for Speed™ Most Wanted untuk android dan mainkan..!

Fitur Game

• Drive and customize over 40 of the world’s most exciting cars
• Race the way you want! By popular demand, you can now touch or tilt to steer
• Use Mods to enhance your car and get ahead of the pack in style
• Experience the action with mind-blowing graphics and intense full-car damage
• Earn Speed Points to unlock new cars
• Trick out your phone with an exclusive Most Wanted live wallpaper

Fitur Mod :

1. Cash multiplier
2. Infinite speedpoints
3. Unlock black market
4. All cars unlocked
5. All cars bought
6. All events unlocked
7. All maps unlocked
8. Drive through oncoming traffic
9. Disable cop cars spawning
10. Infinite nitro once activated
11. Full offline
12. DRM bypassed 

Download Game Need for Speed™ Most Wanted Terbaru

Update : 2 Februari 2016
Versi : 1.3.71
Android versi : 2.3 +
Tested : Vivo Y28

  • Download APK + Data => Via Tusfiles | Filescdn [547 MB]
Cara Install Game Need for Speed™ Most Wanted
  1. Download APK sama data diatas
  2. Silahkan Extrak
  3. Install APK [pilih yang original/Mod]
  4. Pindahkan Folder com.ea.games.nfs13_na ke Android/Data
  5. Buka game mainkan !!! 
Selamat bermain Sobat...! 

Available link for download

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Road HD V2 No Import

Road HD V2 No Import

Author : Reijiku Danreva

To Full SA : Moch Azmi Rizkifar

Screenshots  :

Facebook : Khazin Nismo
Fanspage : Khazin-SHARE
Instagram : @khazin_14
Twitter : @khazin_14
Pin BBM : 5484868F

Available link for download

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Remaja Masa Kini

Remaja Masa Kini

Mengenal Remaja

Kalian Sudah menginjak masa Remaja? Masa Remaja tuh di mana masa yang paling menyenangkan dalam kehidupan kita,Betul? Itu mungkin menurut saya aja. Karena saya juga masih remaja,pasti kalian juga pernah ngrasain masa-masa remaja. Kalian gunakan untuk apa pada masa remaja? Jangan sia-siakan waktu remaja kalian,dari pada untuk bersenang-senang mendingan untuk mencari kegiatan yang bermanfaat.

    Banyak remaja pada zaman sekarang yang menggunakan waktu nya untuk bersenang-senang kayak saya hehehe. Dulu sebelum saya menginjak kelas 9 setiap harinya main game mulu,iseng-iseng saya jual tuh game,eh taunya laku. Dari situ saya memulai bisnis saya menjual game/reseller game. Lama-lama pelanggan saya makin banyak dan nama saya mulai terkenal di grup-grup jual beli.

    Pada saat kenaikan kelas 8 ke 9 nilai ujian saya jelek banget. Tapi syukurlah masih naik kelas. Saat kelas 9 saya mulai sadar bahwa umur saya makin bertambah aja. Dari situ saya berfikir kenapa saat waktu luang saya dulu saya sia-sia kan untuk kegiatan yang kurang bermanfaat. Akhirnya saya mulai menyadari bahwa hidup di dunia ini hanya sebentar.

    Akhir semester 1 kelas 9 saya malah suka menulis,dari situ saya berfikir kenapa saya nggak buat blog aja. Akhrinya saya buat blog dan saya isi artikel apa aja hehehe. Begitulah cerita saya pada saat ini.

    Kembali ke topik awal. Kalian sadar nggak sih kalau remaja zaman sekarang ini banyak yang menyia-nyiakan waktu nya. Banyak anak remaja yang kerjaannya nongrong di warung kopi cuma untuk nyari wifi heeheheh,iya kalau untuk mencari informasi lewat internet sih bagus-bagus aja.

    Banyak anak remaja seusia kita yang putus sekolah,alasannya sih berbeda-beda,ada yang nggak mampu,ada yang keluar sekolah karena salah pergaulan,mereka melakukan ini biasanya juga dari tekanan orang lain,bisa dari guru,teman,orang tua dan orang lain di sekitarnya.

    Pergaulan salah satu faktor utama kenakalan anak remaja. Jika anak remaja tidak di bekali pendidikan agama yang kuat,bisa jadi mereka akan sangat mudah terpengaruh oleh lingkungan di sekitar. Bekal agama pun kurang,mereka harus di bekali juga ilmu yang cukup.

    Di sekitar sana,banyak anak remaja yang merokok,Haram sih enggak,tapi lebih baik kan dihindari,itu juga pengaruh buat kesehatan. Bahkan ada juga remaja saat ini yang sudah mengenal narkoba bahkan mengkonsumsi. Kalau tidak dari pergaulan,dari mana mereka bisa berbuat sebodoh itu? Mereka juga mempunyai akal seperti kita semua,tetapi mereka tidak menggunakan akalnya untuk berfikir,mereka hanya mengandalkan nafsu.

    Kita sebagai teman yang baik,seharusnya bisa mencegah mereka agar tidak berbuat sebodoh itu,kita nasehati sebisa mungkin sebelum terlambat. Jika mereka tidak mengarkan kita,jangan menyerah,teruslah nasehati,suatu saat mereka akan luluh sendiri. Tidak ada usaha yang sia-sia di dunia ini.

    Saat ini banyak juga remaja yang sudah mengenal pacaran. Sebenarnya pacaran dalam islam tidak diajarkan,tapi mereka mengikuti nafsunya. Kalau pacarannya wajar ya boleh-boleh aja,tapi kalo bisa ya jangan hehehe. Naksir sih boleh saja,itu memang hal wajar,tapi naksirnya jangan berlebihan. Jodoh kan sudah diatur,kita hanya menunggu saatnya tiba.

    Sebaiknya di usia remaja ini kita mencari kegiatan yang bermanfaat,kegiatan yang tidak membuat kita bosan tapi menambah wawasan. Dari pada seneng-seneng mulu,mending belajar berbisnis aja,tapi jangan sampai menggangu kegiatan sekolah.

    Mungkin cukup itu saja yang bisa saya sampaikan, Kurang lebihnya mohon maaf.

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Oleh : Sulthon

Available link for download

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Download BBM TRANSPARENT  Apk Terbaru Gratis, Sobat kali ini saya Share BBM mod populer dan salah satu BBM Mod yang paling digemari oleh para pecinta BBM Mod. Dalam artikel Kumupulan ini telah kami sediakan BBM Mod transparan dengan berbagai model dan tipe, serta dari berbagai Versi, dari versi lama sampai terbarunya. jadi disini sobat Bisa memilih BBM Transparan yang sobat ingnkan. Artikel Kumpulan BBM Transparan  Apk, ini juga memiliki fitur-fitur pendukung lainnya yang membuat tampilan pada BBM Mod ini menjadi lebih menarik Kere  dan layak menjadi pilihan sobat sekalian.

Beberapa fitur terkenal diantaranya seperti Fitur BBM Clone dimana sobat harus menguninsatall terlebih dahulu BBM Lama sobat jika ingin  memakai BBM Mod ini sedakan BBM Unclone sebalinya yaitu sobat bisa meninstall BBM ini tanpa harus menuninstall BBM Lama sobat atau biasa kita sebut dengan Double BBM Seperti apa tampilannya? Berikut ini tampilan lengkapnya.
 BBM Transparan V3.0.0.18 Apk 

Fitur terkenal lainnyayaitu Auto Text, fitur yang pastinya sudah tidak asing lagi bagi sobat terutama bagi sobat yang sudah lama menggunakan aplikasi BBM Fitur Auto Text ini sebenarnya ini sama saja dengan PING!!!. Kenapa admin menamakan BOM PING!!! ? Karena fitur ini akan membombardir lawan chat kita dengan kata yang sebelumnya sudah kita edit pada pengaturan set autotext (letak berbeda di tiap BBM MOD). dengan menekan send autotext, kita bisa membombardir lawan chat tanpa harus menghitung banyaknya jumlah yang sudah kita kirim. Jika pada fitur PING!!! bawaan BBM hanya dapat mengirim sebanyak 3x pada satu waktu, autotext ini bisa berkali kali.

BBM Mod Transparan Terbaru V3.0.0.18 Apk
BBM Transparan V3.0.0.18 Apk


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Farmdale v1 9 0 Apk Mod Money

Farmdale v1 9 0 Apk Mod Money



Farmdale is a wonderful story about the lives of the inhabitants of the fun country of the fairies. Cultivate plants, animals, and plants, equip your cozy corner, helping characters of neighbours. Prepare delicious meals, create a beautiful dress and jewelry to sell them at the county fair! On the farms the valley you limits anything. Expand your farm, explore the mysterious corners of the world of the fairies – hidden treasures maybe somewhere! Pay attention! Although Valley Farms is a totally free game, some game items can be purchased with money.


Farmdale - screenshot

Farmdale - screenshot

Farmdale - screenshot

Requires Android 2.3 or higher



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Monday, February 27, 2017

Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 PES 2017 Online apk obb

Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 PES 2017 Online apk obb

Ingat game sepakbola paling legendaris di Android? Ya, Pro Evolution Soccer atau PES ini bahkan sangat diminati meskipun hanya berupa mod data. Maksudnya game hanyalah editan solah PES mengeluarkan versi baru. Seperti PES 2016 atau PES 2015 yang bukan rilis resmi dari pengembang game Pro Evolution Soccer. Toh tetap banyak peminatnya.

Tapi kali ini, pengembang PES akhirnya benar-benar merilis game PES 2017. Bukan cuma hasil modifikasi data dan obb seperti versi sebelumnya.

Berikut beberapa gambar PES 2017 on the game versi Android. Tampilannya WOW... Penggemar gamr FIFA mungkin tertarik mencoba? Silahkan saja. Game ini juga lancar dimainkan di Redmi 3 Pro kok.

Ingin segera mencobanya? Silahkan cari di Playstore, saya jamin pasti kebingungan mencarinya. Daripada pusing sendiri, mending download APK + OBB nya dari link di bawah:

Google Drive


Cara Pasang PES 2017 di Android.

- Instal APK PES 2017 yg sudah di download.

- Ekstrak datanya menggunakan zArchiver/RAR

- Pindahkan data (obb) ke android/obb

Game ini bukan game offline, game legend ini kini jadi game online jadi membutuhkan koneksi internet :)

Selamat bermain PES 2017 di ponsel Redmi 3 Pro.

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How To Schedule Wallpaper For Automatic Change On Android Phones

How To Schedule Wallpaper For Automatic Change On Android Phones


This sound weird, hey bro! Doubt not, you can schedule wallpaper to automatically change when the set time is due, you can schedule wallpaper to change in minutes, hourly, daily or even weekly.

Read More: 2016 Top Amazing Facebook Tricks

This trick isnt an inbuilt phone functionality, with the help of a third party application called WALLPAPER CHANGER.

This application is the best Android App for changing wallpaper on Android phone, this app has a one-click setup and Time Setting option, to schedule auto wallpaper change.


Dont think of this app draining your phone battery, NO, this app is optimized for Battery life performance.

Read More: MTN 4G LTE Purpose And Setup

...Authors Advice...
How Helpful Is This Post Dont Forget To Share This Post To Friends, your Friends Might Need This Information.

posted from Bloggeroid

Available link for download

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Sell Your Payoneer Dollars At The Profitable Rate In Naira

Sell Your Payoneer Dollars At The Profitable Rate In Naira

Hello guys!... If you use Payoneer, then you probably know what Im about to rant about Nigerian ATM machines and Payoneer dollars being withdrawn for Naira.

About a year ago, when I started earning huge dollars to my Payoneer account, I saw myself as the new millionaire in town considering the amount of Payoneer dollars I rake in every month. But sadly on getting to the bank ATM machines around me to withdraw, I was deeply disappointed with what the machines dispensed in the name of Payoneer dollars to Naira rate.

The amount of dollars in my Payoneer account, using the rate of dollars to Naira in the parallel market at the time clearly stated that I was a millionaire. But the ATM rates said otherwise. Because, the amount of money they took from my account per dollar & per withdrawal clearly puts me back to being a thousandaire.

Imagine getting paid with N267/$ for your hard earned Payoneer dollars when the dollar is currently N485/$ at the parallel market? Thats a whooping N218 being stolen by the banks from every piece of dollars you might have earned. I dont blame people for choosing MMM over them.

For instance, if you earned $1,000 Payoneer dollars, thats 1000 x 218 = N218,000 being stolen from you. As if that is not enough, they bill you $3.2 per ATM withdrawal and an additional $1 for checking your Payoneer account balance with the ATM machine after withdrawal.

You may have experienced all of this out of ignorance, but its time you stopped and sell your Payoneer dollars at the profitable rate in Naira.

We buy/exchange your Payoneer dollars for you at the best rates ever and then use it to help those who may need it for online transactions. So you can sell to us and smile to the bank.

Why You Should Sell/Exchange With Us?
==>1. Trusted! Weve lasted more than you can think of.
==>2. We buy as much as, as well as, as low as you can provide
==>3. We give you the best rate for your hard earned money
==>4. Fast response! We reply instantly on Whatsapp and Telegram
==>5. Fast Payment! After receiving, confirming your fund, we credit your Nigerian bank account of choice with the Naira equivalent instantly (no time!)
==>6. The rate is dependent on the volume of Payoneer dollars you have for sale. That is, the higher the volume, the sweeter the rate you will get
==>7. Apart from Payoneer dollars, we buy skrill at a very good rate and then buy& sell Bitcoin as well.
==>8. If the “Pay/Make A Payment” features has been removed from your Payoneer account, making it impossible to transfer funds, but rely on ATM for withdrawals at an awkward rate. We can still help you. Just hit us.

How To Contact Us?
Chat up on Whatsapp with 07030602334
Telegram: @uchefrancis
Blog: NaijaTechLovers.com
http://www.shelaf.com/2016/12/sell-your-payoneer-dollars-at.htmlposted by ConnectMe

Available link for download

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Specification of the Apple iPhone 7 the flagship

Specification of the Apple iPhone 7 the flagship

The Apple iPhone 7, long rumoured to be worth any cost it is to be sold in the market, yeah ! It is worth any penny spend in getting the ANTUTU highest score crown bearer, according to Antutu "Top 10 performance smartphone of August 2016", the one plus 3 came at the top with the score result of 140,288 and the second phone was the vivo xplay5 elite with the score of 138,706 followed by the 3rd scorer with the result 138,026.

The iphone 7 came the top making it a champ, with the score result of 140,288, giving the vivo play5 Elite a gap of 1582, that great am even thinking that the next high end smartphone might beat the iPhone 7, in the next top 10 performance smartphone.

See picture below for more details.

For the iPhone 7 Antutu test score.

Specification of the Apple iPhone 7

Network technology


Lunch and announcement.
Anounced in September

To be lunched on 16 September 2016.


Body dimension; 138.3 x 67.1 x 7.1 mm (5.44 x 2.64 x 0.28 in)

Weight; 138 g (4.87 oz)

SIM; Nano-SIM- IP67 certified - dust and

Water resistant; "yes" up to 1 meter and 30 minutes

Apple Pay (Visa, MasterCard, AMEX certified)


LED-backlit IPS LCD,

capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors

Size; 4.7 inches (~65.6% screen-to-body ratio)

Resolution; 750 x 1334 pixels (~326 ppi pixel density)

Multitouch; Yes

Protection; Ion-strengthened glass, oleophobic. coating- Wide color gamut display- 3D

Touch display & home button- Display Zoom

Platform(Operating system).

iOS 10
Chipset; Apple A10 Fusion

CPU; Quad-core
GPU; (six-core graphics)


Card slot; "No". Uses Internal storage.


Primary camera; 12 MP(mega pixel), f/1.8, phase detection with auto focus, OIS, quad-LED (dual tone) flash

Features; Geo-tagging, simultaneous 4K video and 8MP

Image recording; touch focus, face/smile detection, HDR (photo/panorama)

Video; 2160p@30fps, 1080p@30/60/120fps, 720p@240fps

Secondary camera; 7 MP(mega pixel), f/2.2, 1080p@30fps, 720p@240fps, face detection, HDR, panorama


Alert types; Vibration, proprietary Ringtones

Loud speaker; Yes, with stereo speakers
3.5mm jack; No

Cancel noise when active, with dedicated mic

Earpiece port; "No", uses lightning to 3.5 mm headphone jack adapter incl.


WLANWi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, hotspot

Bluetoothv4.2, A2DP, LEGPSYes, with A-

NFC; Yes (Apple Pay only)

Radio; No

USB; v2.0, reversible connector


sensors; finger print, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, barometer

messaging; SMS (threaded view), MMS, Email, Push Email and I-messaging.

Browser HTML5 (Safari)

Java; No

- Siri natural language commands and dictation

- iCloud cloud service- MP3/WAV/AAX+/AIFF/Apple Lossless player

- MP4/H.264 player, Audio/video/photo editor & Document editor

Battery; Non-removable Li-Ion

Battery capacity; 2900mah

Battery Talk time; Up to 14 h (3G)Music play Up to 40 h

Type of colors; Jet Black, Black, Silver, Gold, Rose Gold
...see image below.

Price; $649 ...aproximatly RS43 000 India rupee.

Stay up to date with legendtechy...Nail The Information.

posted from Bloggeroid

Available link for download

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Block City Wars v6 0 Apk Data Mod Money

Block City Wars v6 0 Apk Data Mod Money

Block City Wars


Welcome to the Block city! Welcome to the wide world of pixels opened, where the real war is going on! Skirmishes back and forth between bad guys and cops, shootout, fights for the liberty, bangs, the mafia and the police – that is Block City Wars about.


 Block City Wars: captura de tela

 Block City Wars: captura de tela

 Block City Wars: captura de tela

Requires Android 2.3.3 or higher


Data in Android/Obb

Link Google Play


Available link for download

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Most people are currently tweaking their Android IMEI to blackberry to use GLO BIS on their android but MTN BIS has been blazing on PC via a tool called simple server for a while now without most people knowing. Luckily, for as low as 100 naira, you can get 24hrs unlimited browsing at super fast speed using this trick. Lets get down to the procedures.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: SimpleServer doesnt work on MTN since May 2016. MTN has blocked the resource. For an even better trick, click here. 

=> Simple server - You can download from here
=> A modem
=> A PC
=> Mozilla Firefox web Browser

    => Download the Simple Server file above and extract the contents to your desktop.
    => Configure your modem to normal MTN web settings (i.e APN will still be web.gprs.mtnigeria.net)
    => Subscribe for one of MTN BB plans, preferably the daily plan (send "BBCDAY" to 21600, costs just 100 naira)
    => Now connect your Modem to the internet.
    => Navigate to the folder you extracted earlier and start simpleserver.exe
    => Open Firefox, Go to Options >> Advanced >> Network >> Settings . Click use Manual Proxy settings.
    Enter for proxy and 8080 for port. Tick use proxy server for all protocols.
    Start surfing till your subscription expires.

      NB: To use any other app like Internet Download manager, just go to options and tick use proxy and enter as Proxy number and 8080 as port . Enjoy the amazing speed!!

      Got questions, let us know by dropping a comment. Wed be glad to help.

      Available link for download

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      Basketball Stars v1 5 0 Apk Mod Fast Level Up

      Basketball Stars v1 5 0 Apk Mod Fast Level Up



      The best basketball game multiplayer mobile, from the makers of various games of sport success!

      Dribble, bid and WIN! Take the ball and dominate the world with BASKETBALL STARS.

      Play a game of basketball fast multiplayer 1×1! Show your skills in dribbling and making baskets! In defence, block the attacker, steal the ball and jump at the right time to intercept! All in REAL TIME!

      Basketball for mobile phones has never been so good: players 3D custom and multiple environments to play in!


       Basketball Stars: captura de tela  Basketball Stars: captura de tela

       Basketball Stars: captura de tela  Basketball Stars: captura de tela

      Requires Android 4.0.3 or higher.


      Link Playstore


      Available link for download

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      Pokeland Legends Apk Data English Version

      Pokeland Legends Apk Data English Version

      Welcome to the mysterious Monster land! This magic land is under the shadow of a horrible conspiracy now. Can you be the warrior to defeat dark forces and rescue adorable monsters? Time to assemble your team and call your friends. There are over 1,000 monsters included in Pokeland Legends, and the classic plot will surely recall your memory. Download and Play it FREE!

       Key Features:
      – Brand-new CAG game, gives you a different experience;
      – Vivid 3D images;
      – 1,000+ monsters. Build your unique team;
      – Daily missions, monster myst, safari, world BOSS… Huge variety of gameplay;
      – Various skill combo and evolution;
      – Raise team power through gears, badges and titles;
      – Prove yourself at various PVP stages;
      – Strategy: attribute restraining, defeat enemies with the best lineup!
      – Join with millions of other players. Build the strongest guild!

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      • Apk => Disini 
      • Size :  31MB
      • Data => Disini
      • Size : 221MB
       NOTE : Data Pindahkan ke sdcard/Android/obb/

      Available link for download

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      Hindi Unboxing Mouse MRP 100 Only 2016 Hindi

      Hindi Unboxing Mouse MRP 100 Only 2016 Hindi

      Available link for download

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      Low Cost Data Bundle Get Etisalat 5GB Data For Just N1 500 or 10GB For N2 500 With 30 Days Validity

      Low Cost Data Bundle Get Etisalat 5GB Data For Just N1 500 or 10GB For N2 500 With 30 Days Validity

      It is not a new thing that you can now browse the internet using cheaper data plan bought from third party reseller who buy bulk data and resell at affordable or cheap prices.

      Good news to you guys. You can now get your Etisalat data for as low as;
      » 5GB for N1,500 - valid for 30 days.
      » 10GB for N2,500 - valid for 30 days.

      The above plan works for all internet-enabled devices like Android devices, iPhones/iPads, BB10 devices, Windows phones, PC, and others.

      Data rollover to the next month, if you re-subscribe before the expiry period, which is usually 30days from the date of purchase. Hence, you need not be in a hurry to exhaust your unused data because you want to get a new one or wait until your expiry date before getting a new one.

      The plans have nothing to do with cheat or tweak, its 100% legitimate means of getting the Etisalat data plan from the reliable third party data re-seller. You do not need to do anything special other than payment and your Etisalat mobile number. The data will be transferred to your Etisalat line from the seller Etisalat line. You can always monitor your data/usage via *229*9#.

      To Order for the Plan Via Bank Payment
      You are required to pay the required amount into the bank account below:
      Bank Name: Diamond Bank
      Account Name: Yahaya Abdulfatai
      Account Number: 0036483159

      After payment text the Depositor Name, Data volume, and Etisalat number, or upload payment verification (teller) to me on WhatsApp
      Text/Call: 07084869292
      Whatsapp: 07038761654

      After confirmation of the payment, you will receive your data plan within 5 minutes.

      If it is the third party agents are those to assist us to achieve our aims, all is well and good. Nice one from Etisalat via data resellers, but I’m still waiting to see when 1GB data plan will fall down to N100 with a month validity.
      http://www.shelaf.com/2016/09/low-cost-data-bundle-get-etisalat-5gb.htmlposted by ConnectMe

      Available link for download

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      Cheat Game War Of The Monsters Untuk Playstation 2

      Cheat Game War Of The Monsters Untuk Playstation 2

      War Of The Monsters

      Halo kawan semua, pada kesempatan kali ini saya mau membagikan sebuah cheat Password War Of The Monsters, Jika anda seorang gamers pasti tak asing lagi dengan game Playstation 2 yang satu ini, yakni Game War Of The Monsters. game yang menceritakan pertempuran monster di sebuah kota yang kamu berperan sebagai monster maupun robot yang berkelahi di antar kota-kota disekitar, Mau gamenya?
      Beli saja di tokoh terdekat mrgreen

      Game War Of The Monsters bisa anda mainkan sendiri atau berdua dengan teman-temanmu.

      Oke langsung saja simak "War Of The Monsters" yang saya sajikan untuk kalian semua para pecinta game tentunyasmile!!

      Sebelum kamu mencobanya, perhatikan dulu cara menggunakan cheatnya:

      ? Ini Hanya Beberapa Cheatnya eek
      ? Buka Cheat Ketika Sedang bermain
      ? Jika Sudah Paham Dengan Bahasa inggris lewati saja gan, Jangan tekan translate !!! smile

      Ultra V Unforgivable Combo

      Tekan (Segitiga + Bulat), Kotak (3), Segitiga, Kotak, Segitiga, Kotak, Segitiga

      Preytor Parasitism

      Cheat ini benar-benar susah. Pertama menggunakan parasut (segitiga + bulat) kemudian tekan Kotak (2), segitiga, kotak, segitiga, kotak, segitiga (2).

      Idiot AI

      de 93 bd 9a bca99b8 f

      Max/ Inf Tokent

      debd 861a c19 e7 b82

      Player 1 Inf. Stamina

      de 93 b10 e fe 719 b83

      Player 1 Inf. Kesehatan

      de 93 b162 ffdd9 b83

      Kabal untuk si Twins

      Kontrol harus diatur ke "Classic" pilihan untuk kode ini untuk bekerja. ketika sedang bermain, tahan L1+L2+R1+R2 dan cepat tekan Kanan, Kiri, Bawah, Atas. Jika Anda memasukkan kode dengan benar, kata-kata "Invulnerability On" akan muncul. Masukkan kode lagi untuk menonaktifkannya.


      Tunggu sob...

      Nah itu dia beberapa Password Code Game War Of The Monsters (bahasa indonesia) yang terbaru dan tentu saja lengkap.

      Terima kasih sudah mampir wink

      Available link for download

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